Client Introduction to Inteliguide

Lyconic is releasing a new version of Inteliguide & Patrolguide! This brief intro intends to familiarize you with the look and feel of the new version while providing a quick overview.


Note: This introduction is for Clients of security companies using Inteliguide & Patrolguide. If you're a security owner or manager, please click here. If you're an employee of a security company accessing Inteliguide for the first time, please click here for your officer manual.


This overview will cover the following:


First Glances

You may have already clicked to this article from the new Login page, perhaps after having been redirected there unexpectedly. Don't worry. All your information has been preserved and migrated to the new version of Inteliguide.


System Requirements

Please visit:

We've made some changes to Inteliguide & Patrolguide V2 that take advantage of more modern browser technologies. We're now able to bring all our varied Users - from Administrators, to Officers, to you as Clients - a more advanced and responsive user experience. As such, we don't support all the browsers that were supported in past versions of our software. This may require some adjustment for some folks still using older computers with older operating systems and browsers. Many of those older systems are able to accommodate more modern alternatives to Internet Explorer (IE), but due to how Microsoft structures their Operating System (OS) and browser versions, newer versions of IE are not available on older versions of Windows.

IE 9 is the oldest version of IE that we support. We highly recommend either upgrading to the newest version of IE (again, Internet Explorer), currently IE 10, or installing Google Chrome as an alternative.

Thanks for your understanding as we continue to push the capabilities of our software.



Enter your email and password, they should not have changed during the migration to the new system.

Reset Password

If you should need, click on the RESET PASSWORD link and enter your email address. Click SEND and check your inbox for further instructions.


New Navigation

Above the orange horizontal line is the context bar in two sections (listed from left to right)

Below the orange line is the Main Navigation.


Any new system notifications, generated files, or internal messages will first appear here. Clicking "View All" leads to your Inbox.

Profile Info & Context

This is where you will find basic profile info and can choose which Franchise Context (Market) to work in depending on if you are Authorized for more than one Franchise. A fair amount of Signal 88 Security Clients will not have to worry about operating in more than one Market Context, but there are some Clients whose Businesses span more than one Signal 88 Operating Market.


Note: Drop this menu down to Log Out. Clicking on your name (Client User in the example) brings you to your Profile


Main Navigation

The area below the orange horizontal line and the gray horizontal line contains the main navigation for Inteliguide.



The Dash (Home)

Little has changed from the old version to the new in the V2 Dashboard, also called Home, besides the look and layout.

Depending on the settings for your market, determined by the website's administrators, you'll see up to the following:

  • Left Column
    • Profile Widget
    • Page Footer
  • Right Column
    • Category Totals
    • Contact/Settings Nav
    • News

Dash Example


Viewing Reports

Click on the REPORTS tab in the Main Navigation to navigate to your Reports List.

This section is broken into discreet elements:

Quick List Snapshot



You can keyword search (handgun, suspect, license, etc) the following on any Report:

  • Summary (Title)
  • Detail Note (Body)

To do anything beyond Searching, simply click the '+' icon to expand more panel options.


Filter options include your Locations, Report Type, and Categories which include:

  • All Locations

    • Any Locations for which you've been authorized to receive Reports
  • All Report Types

    • Tour
    • Shift
  • All Categories

    • Flagged, Maintenance, Incident
    • Flagged
    • Activity
    • Maintenance
    • Incident


Categories can be used to separate the signal from the noise, so-to-speak. Look for the most important detail and drill down to other detail as necessary using the Categories Filter.

  • Activities are your most common type of report. These catalog everyday officer activities as they observe and report at your locations.
  • Flagged Activities are common reports of elevated importance. They're not emphasizing maintenance concerns or security breaches and crime. Think an uncommon vehicle in a parking lot, a note about something that may need your attention, or movers temporarily propping open a secured access. Flagged reports are given additional explanation by the officer.
  • Maintenance issues involve anything from lighting assessments, overflowing trash bins, drives and walks obscured by weeds, graffiti, storm damage, etc.
  • Incidents involve security breeches, crimes, ban & bar, noise complaints, parking violations, etc.


  • Newest First
  • Oldest First
  • Location A..Z (alphabetically ascending)
  • Location Z..A (alphabetically descending)


Note: Name A..Z & Z..A only apply to Managers who are able to Filter results by User Name. We'll be modifying this in the near future.


While the List loads with the most recent Report written appearing on top of the list (Newest First), you can restrict the time range to narrow down on specific day and time windows.

This section also displays the number of tours and the total tours available as dictated by your filter settings. After setting your search and filter settings, scroll down the page to load more reports, the panel will scroll with you so you can keep informed as to your settings. The List loads 50 at a time, with the first 50 reports loaded by default.

List Options

  • Select All
  • Select None
  • Expand List (default)
  • Collapse List (to one line)

Note: As pointed out in the Quick List Snapshot image (above), you can click on the individual '-' icon of any of the list items to collapse them. That icon turns to a plus if collapsed (see below), so clicking on it will in turn expand that given List Item.

List Items

Click on List Items to Select Reports. Click on the Header Links of the List Items to view the Detail View of any given Report. Alternatively, clicking on the 'eye' icon will bring you to the same Detail View.

Selections Queue

Once a Selection has been made, a left-hand sidebar view appears which allows you to see the first several items in your Selection Queue along with a total count of all the selected items. The Queue will stay with you as you scroll down the List of Reports.

Bulk Actions

  • CSV Export - Will log all selected Reports into a comma separated file and send it to your inbox as a System Message
  • Print - A more printer friendly formatting than the CSV Export option

Clicking on CSV Export in the Bulk Actions drop down will generate the CSV file and clear your Selections.

Detail View

Here you can see individual Reports in greater detail. This page is essential for reading full page reports and linking to individual reports for later consumption. The page can be described in three or four sections:

  • Main Info
  • Related Info (sidebar)
  • Location Info
  • Additional Reports in Set - If more than one Report per Shift/Tour

Main Info:

Here you can see the Report Number, Summary (Title), Location - Date - Time Reported at, and Detailed Note.

Related Info:

This contains cursory info about the Type of Report (Shift/Tour) and its Start Date/Time, along with the number of Reports written.

Location Info:

This will list the one or more Locations that the Report was written for.

Additional Reports in Set:

If more than one Report has been written for a given Shift/Tour, this will help you keep track of and read through each one in sequence.

Category Indicators, Flagged Explanation:

These headers will appear over each Report of their kind to indicate the Report Category. Normal Activity Reports do not receive a special header.

The Flagged for Attention Reports will have additional information explaining why they were called to your attention.


Your Profile

Below illustrates how to navigate to your profile:

Click on your User name as seen in the Profile section of the Context drop down in the Context Menu, or on the Profile Widget on the Dashboard.

Once there you will see a Profile Detail View very similar to the Detail View of your Client Reports. It follows the same layout for consistency:

  • Main Info
  • Actions (sidebar)
  • Phones
  • Links
  • Edit

Main Info

Here you can see the some of the same info you can find on both the Context drop down on the Context Menu and on the Profile Widget on the Dashboard. Your User Name, login email, and Member Since Info.


Click VIEW REPORTS to access your Reports list.


Here you can view your one or many Contact Phones that were either entered when your Account was created, or that were added by you at a later time.


These are links to external resources that Signal 88 staff can manage internally. Only those links meant for Clients will show up here.


Click EDIT to navigate to the Edit Form for your Account (see image below). Here you can change the following:

  • Name
  • Login Email
  • Password with Confirmation
  • Phone Numbers asdf
  • Personal Settings - Report Automation: Category Alerts & Summaries NEW!
    • Alert me whenever an activity report gets flagged for my attention
    • Alert me whenever an incident report gets logged
    • Alert me whenever a maintenance report gets logged
    • Would you like summaries of your alerts?
      • No, I don't need any summary emails
      • Yes, send me an alert summary email every day
      • Yes, send me an alert summary email every week
    • Also send non-alert report?
      • No, I don't need any activity report emails
      • Yes, send me an activity reports email every day
      • Yes, send me an activity reports email every week

Click PHONE + to add additional Phone Numbers to your Account. Click the 'X' to remove existing Phone numbers. Then simply hit SAVE to record all your changes.

For security reasons, you must enter your password and confirmation in order to save your settings on this form.

Alert Summary Email Example

Activity Report Email Example


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  • 0

    Like it so far, couple minor adjustments and I think your good to go

  • 0
    William McCoy

    My officers are loving it. It is SMOKING FAST with Verizon 4G!  They don't like the clocking in and out feature, but I sure as hell love it!  This new version is more streamlined and faster than before.  Keep up the good work guys!!!  



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