Got the reset email but still having trouble?
Please follow the instructions below to reset your password or generate a new one.
Reset Your Password
Resetting your password is as simple as
- Going here: You will have to substitute your company's subdomain where it says 'example' before the '' part of the URL. For another example:
- Typing in the email associated with your Inteliguide Account
- Clicking on the link in your email (please add and to your contacts and/or safe list so the Password Reset email doesn't end up in your spam folder)
- Defining a new password
You'll receive this confirmation when sending the Password Reset email:
Your reset email should look a lot like this:
And the link will lead to this form:
Fill in your password and its confirmation, and click the RESET button. It's that simple!
I Didn't Receive My Reset Email! What Now?
There are two prominent reasons why an otherwise legitimate User Account might not receive a password reset email:
- The Account has been Archived in the system
- The email was sent but was either blocked, deleted via the spam filter, or deposited into a spam folder
The best way to ensure that you receive the reset email is, again, to add to your safe sender domain list, and/or add to your contacts.
If you have added us to your safe senders list/contacts and have still not received your password reset email, or have not found the reset email in your spam folder after sending it, and you know you've had an active Account in the recent past, please contact your local Signal 88 management for information about your Account.
What About Multiple Password Reset Emails? Tokens Expire!
Here's a scenario:
You've discovered after repeated attempts to send yourself a password email that they've been piling up in your spam folder. So you click on the first one that you sent and try and navigate to the link to reset your password, only to be redirected to the login page. This is happening because not only do the tokens for password reset emails expire after 3 hours, but they also get superseded by subsequent password reset requests.
- In the case your email has expired by the time you find it in your spam folder, please repeat the reset process by sending yourself a new email. After receiving that new email, click on the link and proceed to reset your password
- In the case you've sent yourself multiple password reset email, open on the most recent reset email and proceed from there
Note: Users with and email addresses have typically been reporting their reset emails being confused for spam. If you have email at either of those domains, please double check your spam folder and add to your safe senders list.