Inteliguide & Patrolguide
New Features
- Late & No-Show Alerts to coincide with Site Managers Feature (see below)
- Manage Shift Notifications across Profiles or full Markets (see below)
- Your company logo now visible! This is to help brand recognition for your Clients accessing reports through Inteliguide
- Civilians & Cops can now edit Activity Reports while on their Shifts (but not after)
- Time Filters added to the Date Filters on Patrol Summaries
- CSV Export/Print Bulk Actions for Dedicated/Patrol Work Orders
Infrastructure Improvements
- We've now migrated most of our servers to new, higher performance servers without downtime
- The one remaining server will require downtime to upgrade, so we'll be scheduling clear maintenance windows in advance. This upgrade will have the largest impact on database performance yet
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug with Site Managers on Client Reports Detail pages
- Fixed inconsistencies in how and when Shift Reminder Notifications were being sent out
- Permissions fixes for Archived accounts
- Fixed a persistant Messages Unread count bug
- New Patrol Work Orders set builder to start of day, this fixed a bug where creating a new Work Order during the time a Tour Schedule (Set) was to be worked resulted in the Tour Schedule failing to be generated for that day
- Message Subject now limited to 255char to prevent a bug
Updated Documentation (articles require login)
- Settings - Late & No Show Alerts
- Settings - Shift Alerts, Reminders, & Updates
- Profile - Shift Alerts, Reminders, & Updates
- Dedicated Work Order - Print, Detailed Print, CSV Export Bulk Actions
- Patrol Work Order - Print, Detailed Print, CSV Export Bulk Actions
- Patrol Summaries - Time Filters
- Activity Reports - Civilian & Cop In Progress Edits
- On-screen cues for Bulk Email Recipients
- On-screen cues for Compose Message Unlock Selection Behavior
Coming Soon! (short list)
- Paid holiday calculations in payroll (still in progress)
- We're now testing our new mobile app that fixes many Android bugs and provides some better validation and error handling. This is to prep for the addition of geocoded (location services) Activity Reporting and a new Client Dashboard
- New Billing!
- The launch of our Public API
Late & No-Show Alerts (articles require login)
We released Site Managers to help delegate administrative tasks without giving away full Admin rights to the system. As part of that, we intended to give more time & attendance visibility to those that are now able to manage pools of Locations. That's why we've added a new way of monitoring the punctuality of officers Clocking In to Shifts. Alternatively, you can also assign any Manager User, and that User will be a recipient for all Late & No-Show Alerts regardless of Location.
Admins can find the new Settings under Manage -> Settings -> Payroll. We've added a new section there for Management Alerts: Late & No-Show with the following options:
- Alert on Late Punch (If the User is Late to Clock Into a Shift, and they still complete the Clock In… this alert will go out)
- Alert on Late or No-Show (If the User is Late, this alert will go out. It will ALSO go out if the User doesn't Clock In at all during their Shift)
- Alert Threshold
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 25
- 30
- Recipients
- Site Managers (will delegate Alerts to Site Managers based on what Locations have been assigned to their Accounts. Any Shift created for a Location or Group containing at least one of their assigned Locations will be monitoring for Late and No-Show activity)
- List of Active Manager Users (all Active Users other than Clients, Cops, and Civilians. If any of these are selected, they will be considered recipients for ALL Alerts for ALL Locations)
Note: Unless a User actively initiates a Clock In, we have no event to determine if there's a Late or No-Show Alert needing to go out. So we have to poll constantly to see if the state of all Shifts in the system have changed. The polling script that goes out and looks for those changes runs on a 5 minute schedule, every 5 minutes. You can schedule Shifts on a per minute basis, so sometimes even a short Alert window of 5 minutes might result in a 9 minute total delay. Here's an example: The polling script runs after a Shift has already started… 4 minutes ago. It doesn't meet the requirement of over 5 minutes to Alert, so nothing goes out. Then, it will wait another five minutes to run again. At this point, the script will catch that there's a Shift that hasn't been Alerted on, but that is over the 5 minute threshold… now at 9 minutes. Please be aware of this behavior.
Alerts in Inbox
Alerts Message Example
To Do:
Save alerts to the database, which will allow for a Time Series Dashboard Widget that can help form a clearer picture of Time & Attendance trends… which will help Markets better handle staff accountability and compliance.
Manage Shift Alerts, Reminders, & Updates (articles require login)
This is one of our more requested features since Bulk Editing has become the norm for Scheduling Users. Bulk Editing had the partially unintended consequence of sending out mass Shift notices (we're going to work on consolidating those for Bulk Edits, but we also knew managing their delivery was needed). Now there are two levels for controlling what type of Shift notices get sent out. Both of them have the same options, but at different levels.
- Personal Settings (If disabled in Market Settings, then the'll be disabled in all Personal Settings)
- Market Settings (if endabled here, then they can optionally be disabled on a per-User basis within Personal Settings)
We've added a new section under the Profile Edit Form that allows each individual User to choose what kind of Shift Notifications they receive. Here they are:
- Shift Commitments (when Users either Commit themselves to Shifts, or when management Schedules them directly)
- Shift Reminders (up to two reminders can be sent out to Users per Scheduled Shift depending on how far out into the future the Scheduled Shift is)
- Shift Updates (when Shifts are modified before they're due to be worked)
Checking or unchecking specific Shift Notifications will turn on or off those respective notifications. Admins cannot go into other User's Profiles and adjust these settings for them. Every User can only access their own Profile
Note: If Shift Reminders are disabled, it will take a while for the old Scheduled reminders to work their way out of the system. Every time a new Shift is Scheduled in any way for a User, the reminders are Scheduled accordingly. Unchecking the Shift Reminders option will prevent any new ones from being enqueued.
This same section is found under Manage -> Settings -> User. Look for the new Shift Notifications: Alerts, Reminders, & Updates section. To reiterate, Enabling any of the Shift Notifications here for the entire Market will allow each respective Personal Shift Notification Setting to optionally be disabled (at each User's discretion). When enabled, these DO NOT override any Personal Settings. When disabled, they DO override Personal Settings.