2.3.0 Release Notes

Inteliguide & Patrolguide


New Features


  • All Months, Time Punches, Team, and Dedicated Work Order Filters added to Agenda
  • Dedicated Work Order Filter added to Schedule
  • Dedicated Work Order Links added to Schedule Info flyout
  • Location name added to Location Bulletins on Dash
  • Active/Pending default view for Work Orders
  • More consistent labeling on Work Order Lists
  • Dedicated Work Order improvements for dealing with generated shifts in the future
  • Added clearer labels to various settings
  • DMARC compliance improvements to mailers
  • Docs/Post Orders now display read receipts
  • Pay-Rate updates now when committing from Shift Detail page
  • Label contrast improvements on Agenda List

Infrastructure Improvements

  • Masterguide Server Online
  • Expanded Logs & Backups Storage
  • Rekeyed all certs in response to Heartbleed vulnerability
  • Deployment upgrades

Bug Fixes

  • A bunch of worker fixes and maintenance
  • Avoid rendering map if coordinates are missing
  • Work Order presenter fix to consider locale
  • Tweaked popularity index for Codes/Dispos
  • Fixed timeout issue with regenerating large amounts of Shifts via Dedicated Work Order edits

Updated/New Documentation (articles require login)

Coming Soon! (short list)

  • Additional Client Dash Widgets
  • Payroll CSV Export Improvements
  • Media Attachments
  • New Billing still in progress, making progress with many fruitful conversations with end users and clients
  • Alloy app is done with final testing, waiting on production build and source code for release this month

Client Report Categories

Even though we released this last month, we've already done a lot with the new data we're collecting. As promised, I wanted to more thoroughly document the Category features.

Report Categories

Categories bring a higher level of control to how Activity Reports are filed. Clients and Managers alike can better consume the important information streaming in day and night as the result of security operations. Reports will default to the Activity Category, but Users can easily change that to either Flagged, Maintenance, or Incident.

Alarm responses will now default any corresponding Activity Reports to the Incident Category. Officers can still switch this to Maintenance, Flagged, or just regular ol' Activity depending on the circumstances.

  • Activities are your most common type of report. These catalog everyday officer activities as they observe and report at Client Locations.
  • Flagged Activities are common Reports of elevated importance. They're not emphasizing Maintenance concerns or security breaches and crime Incidents. An uncommon vehicle in a parking lot, or a note about something that may need a Manager's or Client's attention are good examples. Movers temporarily propping open a secured access may be a good circumstance to call out. Users must give Flagged reports additional explanation if selected
  • Maintenance issues involve anything from lighting assessments, overflowing trash bins, drives and walks obscured by weeds, graffiti, storm damage, etc.
  • Incidents involve security breaches, crimes, ban & bar, noise complaints, parking violations, alarms, etc.

Officers will see a Category selector next to the Report Summary in both Inteliguide & Patrolguide

Category Indicators, Flagged Explanation

These headers will appear over each Report of their kind to indicate the Report Category. Normal Activity Reports do not receive a special header.

The Flagged for Attention Reports will have additional information explaining why they were called to attention.

Client Reports List Filters & List Item Badges

Users can now Filter the Client Reports List by Category

Depending on the Report Category, whether the User has viewed the Report, and whether the Report is considered a Pass Along Report (a report another User has filed but that is accessible to Cop/Civilian Users that are Scheduled for the same Location or set of Locations) there may be a variety of badges that appear beside the Report Summary Link on any List Item.


Note: We originally released the Categories with Flagged being featured as a prominent checkbox on the Activity Report Form. We observed how that was used for about a month and made some revisions that we think encourage more realistic usage. We noticed that many Flagged Reports were talking about Security Incidents and Maintenance problems. Flagged Reports were kinda becoming the catch-all for any and all "called out" Activity Reports. Given our plans for the Dashboard and other upcoming Categories changes, we wanted to make the work required for Flagging a Report the same as the work required for logging an Incident or Maintenance Report. Officers may notice the difference, but they need only drop down the Categories selection box to find the Flagged Category. An additional explanation is still required for the Flagged Report.


Another Note: The relevant pieces of these release notes are also covered in the broader documentation and the Officer Manuals.


Category Alerts/Summaries - Client Self-Serve - Monthly Totals Dashboard Widget

This feature has been a long time coming. We originally built Inteliguide to handle reports manually. This was because of the specific use cases of the Omaha Market when we were first experimenting with the application and Activity Reporting. Shea & crew loved to be able to control the content of the reports and trusted themselves to curate the report information and custom tailor their messages every weekday for their clients. Since then many requests have been made to expand on this method, so we've responded in kind and have automated the report communication process.

Don't worry, you can still go in and hand-pick reports to send to your clients. The difference now? You don't have to if you don't want to. Now, Client Users can go into their Settings (through a variety of ways, but we made it easy and put a Settings button directly on their Dash) and pick and choose how they'd like to receive their reports.


Category Alerts/Summaries - Client Self-Serve

Here are the options to anyone able to log into any market as a Client User:

  • Personal Settings - Report Automation: Category Alerts & Summaries NEW!
    • Alert me whenever an activity report gets flagged for my attention (unchecked by default)
    • Alert me whenever an incident report gets logged (unchecked by default)
    • Alert me whenever a maintenance report gets logged (unchecked by default)
    • Would you like summaries of your alerts?
      • No, I don't need any summary emails
      • Yes, send me an alert summary email every day
      • Yes, send me an alert summary email every week (default)
    • Also send non-alert reports?
      • No, I don't need any activity report emails (default)
      • Yes, send me an activity reports email every day
      • Yes, send me an activity reports email every week

Any time a report gets filed for any of the Locations that Client Users have access to, corresponding with any of their checked Categories, an alert email & SMS (if the Client is opted in) immediately goes out. Since this may be a bit much for some Client Users, they can instead opt for a Summary Report every morning/week (depending on their selections). That way, they get notified of potentially important information, but in one email covering the events of the past night/morning or past week; as opposed to potentially many separate one-off Alerts.

Maintenance Activity Alert Example

Alert Summary Email Example

Alert Summary All Clear

Activity Report Email Example


Corresponding Management Alerts

Knowing full well that management need to be just as privy to Alerts as Clients, we've added a new Client Settings section for market level Alerts and management recipients.

This section allows Admins to set Alert Recipients and triggers based on Client Report Categories.


  • Alert whenever an activity report gets flagged for attention
  • Alert whenever an incident report gets logged
  • Alert whenever a maintenance report gets logged


  • Site Managers (will delegate Alerts to Site Managers based on what Locations have been assigned to their Accounts. Any Shift created for a Location or Group containing at least one of their assigned Locations will be monitoring for Alerts)
  • List of Active Manager Users (all Active Users other than Clients, Cops, and Civilians. If any of these are selected, they will be considered recipients for ALL Alerts for ALL Locations)


Monthly Category Totals Dash Widget

Now, both management and Clients can get a load of the breakout of Categories at-a-glance on their Dashboards. Clicking to any of the Categories will filter the Client Reports List by that Category for the current month. It's simple and effective for web users, but we're not stopping there. We've already designed and developed additional Client Dash widgets that we'll be releasing soon!

Additional Client Navigation:

  • Contact destination is the Contact Management form, this will help Client web Users contact their account managers or other market administrators through the application.
  • Settings leads to their Profile Edit Form and their Profile Settings


Holiday Pay

Oh boy, this one was a doozy. We decided half-way through development that payroll needed an entire overhaul. This is because of the complexity involved in such a seemingly simple feature, but also because we are laying the groundwork and actively in the planning stages for development on local overtime rules like those in California. We knew we needed to upgrade in order to make that possible this year, so we completely built payroll from the ground up. The first feature as a result of that is Holiday Pay!

Define a multiplier and add days that qualify as Paid Holidays. Those days will apply the multiplier to any Shifts spanning into, out of, or wholly contained within them. No need to manually update any Shift on the Schedule that might touch holiday hours, the math is done for you on partial and whole Holiday Shifts alike!

During testing, we noticed that many Shifts for Memorial Day 2014 already had been manually updated to reflect a holiday rate. Because of that, we didn't want a multiplier applying to a bunch of shifts that are already at x1.5! We've defaulted to leaving the Holiday Dates empty. This puts the control in your hands whether you'd like to apply a multiplier to any day that qualifies as a paid holiday.

Holiday pay settings can be found by going to Manage -> Settings -> Payroll.

We may eventually tap into an API that can supply us with consistent federal paid holidays, but for the time being we wanted to put the control in your hands.

Any Shift impacted by this feature is labeled as such in the new Payroll, you'll be able to clearly see which Shifts have a holiday rate or varied rates (depending on if they're partially into or out of a holiday).


Time Punch Filter Bulk Action

This Bulk Action is available on the Inteliguide Agenda, and can be applied to up to 1000 Shifts at a time (the queue limit for Bulk Actions).

Select all the Shifts this should apply to, and select the Fill Punches Bulk Action.

This only works on Scheduled Shifts with End Dates/Times in the past that have NO associated partial or incomplete Time Punches. If the selected Shifts do not meet that criteria, they will not be processed. For all Shifts that do, Time Punches will be created matching the Start/End Dates/Times. For those qualifying Shifts with Lunches, the Fill Punches Bulk Action will position the appropriate Lunch Duration between the Start and End Dates/Times.

We've built this in as a tool for markets that don't rely upon Time Punches as much as others, either due to alternative Time & Attendance methods, or due to other circumstances.

Since the Fill Punches makes MANY assumptions as to the actual Time & Attendance of associated Users, we implemented a strong confirmation and disclaimer prior to the Bulk Action processing any Shifts.


Geofence Settings

In developing the mobile app and working to bring it in-house, we started tightening up the proximity restrictions we've placed on Time Punches. This produced an unexpected flood of support requests, so we knew it was time to introduce some controls in conjunction with making Time Punching more accountable.

Your set radius here will determine if officers are close enough to make a Time Punch (Clock/Lunch In/Out) during their Shift. If the officer is within the defined Geofence, and they've allowed the app or browser access to their gps location on their smart device (a good idea for accountability reasons), they'll need to be within the set distance in order to make a Time Punch.

This assumes that their work Location or all their work Locations have been added to any Group Shift (a Shift created for a Group of Locations instead of just a single Location) they're working and are geolocated correctly; meaning the address has been resolved to an accurate or semi-accurate translation in long lat values. You can double check that via the Locations/Groups Detail pages.

Finally, the checkbox for the Group option is to allow Admins to bypass the Geofence option for Shifts made for Groups. This is for cases where officers are starting patrols and Clocking In from their houses, instead of from any given work Location. This prevents the need in those cases for Admins to be forced to add employee locations to Inteliguide. The drawback there is, officers can clock in from anywhere, so Admins would need to be able to trust their patrol staff to do what's right.



Dedicated Work Order Improvements

We've received a lot of feedback since releasing Dedicated Work Orders, and realized that we needed to implement some more flexible controls for dealing with updating Dedicated Work Orders.

The Edit Form now features options to help preserve some of the actual Scheduling work you may have done on future generated Shifts in the event you have to materially change the Work Order after the fact.

Those are as follows:

  • Preserve shift commitments and attributes on non-destructive edits
    • Attributes are team, lunch, non-billable, and no wait options. Will only preserve these attributes if future shifts aren't regenerated due to the quantity of shifts being reduced within a shift schedule, the shift schedule itself being erased, the days and/or times being modified, and/or the contract start/end date being limited.
  • Preserve only shift commitments on non-destructive edits
    • Will only preserve the shift commitments if future shifts aren't forced to be regenerated due to the quantity of shifts being reduced within a shift schedule, the shift schedule itself being erased, the days and/or times being modified, and/or the contract start/end date being limited.
  • Regenerate all future shifts from scratch
    • This is a nuclear option, and will replace and/or remove all future shifts based on your above settings.

The reason these controls are in place is due to the nature of how Dedicated Work Orders function. They generate out Shifts into the future that must then be manipulated, scheduled, and eventually worked. As is the case from time to time, Work Orders need to be updated to reflect changing contract terms and client requests. This poses a problem when changes to the Work Order might prove destructive to any future scheduling work, such as Commitments and modifications. These controls will allow you to more closely define what should be replaced and what should be preserved while updating a Work Order.


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