2.3.1 Release Notes



New Billing Feature Enhancements

New Documentation (article requires login)

Coming Soon! (short list)

  • Additional Client Dash Widgets
  • Media Attachments (in progress)
  • We have the Alloy mobile app in our dev environment, and are working on a clean compilation for release very soon

Locations Changes

Locations are the top level for any billable work in Inteliguide. That's why we've crammed a bunch of billing attributes into the Location Form and corresponding Detail Pages.

Each Location now gets the following new sections:

  • Billing Destination
  • Billing Details

Billing Destination

This is all about where the bill is gonna go, and how it's gonna get there. This section can only be found on Locations, because everything that can be billed in Inteliguide always goes back to at least one Location. Options are as follows:

Added Attributes

  • Preferred Destination (All, Any, Snail Mail & Email, Snail Mail & Fax, Email & Fax, Snail Mail, Fax, Email)
  • Billing Address, City, State, Zip (checkbox to make same as Service Address)
  • Billing Fax
  • Billing Email
  • Make Headquarters (not new, but now in this new section)
  • Bill to Headquarters

What is Make Headquarters?

Make Headquarters simply defines that Location as the Headquarters for the Business the Location happens to belong to. There can be only one Highlan, I mean… Headquarters per Business, so only those with Master Admin Roles can set that. The Headquarters for any Business can span across many Franchises because one Business can belong to (be Authorized for) many Franchises. The Headquarters will apply in the same way.

You can view the Headquarters in another Franchise by going to the Business Detail Page for that Location in your franchise (click to the Business for any Location on the Location Detail Page in the Main Details block - top left).

Headquarters explained through a graphic (click to enlarge):

Bill to Headquarters Info

Bill to Headquarters does not require the Business to actually have a Location defined as its Headquarters. If you've checked "Bill to Headquarters," the Location Detail Page will let you know if there's an actual Location, or if a Headquarters for the Business hasn't been defined.

Other Billing Configurations

There may also be many other billing configurations, like a Headquarters defined, and most Locations billed to the Headquarters Billing Address… or email… or fax, but SOME locations belonging to the Business choosing to be billed directly to the Service Location's Billing Address (which may or may not be different than the Service Address). Or the Service Location also being the Billing Location, but it's billed to someplace else entirely through a Billing Address that differs from the Service Address. All these options are now available and possible through Inteliguide, but that means there is some complexity as a result.

Minding that complexity will go a long way in helping to make Billing more accurate. Strive to eliminate or reduce duplication at the Business and Location level, Master Admins should define a Headquarters for all Businesses requiring them, and make sure to keep updated records; as client Locations may change hands (property management company merges, or moves to a new headquarters address, or changes billing methods and destinations, etc).

Billing Details

Added Attributes

  • Billing Cycle - Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly (1-15, 16-EOM), Monthly, Custom
  • Billing Method
    • Flat Rate (no matter what, besides holidays and Billable Alarms, this is the rate)
    • Contracted (what's in the Work Order, as opposed to what was actually worked, Ad-Hoc anything but Cancelled)
    • Actual Work (reflects Scheduled variations and any modifications from Work Orders, Ad-Hoc Completed)
  • Bill On
    • First day of new period (Cash)
    • Last day of new period (Accrual) (only option available, is auto set if Actual Work Billing Method selected)
    • Mid-cycle
    • Day: 2-28 (for Monthly Flat Rate & Contracted)
    • Custom
  • Billing Terms - Net 0-45, Custom
  • Billing Item - These are specific flags that you can set that have meaning within your Accounting Software
    • CBS - Civilian Based Security
    • CBA - Civilian Based Armed
    • DedVeh - Dedicated Vehicle
    • EXEC - Executive Protection
    • LEB - Law Enforcement Based
    • FUEL - Mileage costs
    • BYC - Bike Patrols
    • RVP - Roving Vehicle Patrols
    • EVENT - Event Security
    • ALARM - Billable Alarm Responses
  • Flat Rate Billable Rate (only applies, as the name suggests, to Flat Rate Billing Method for Locations - has different applications depending on the type of Work Order)
  • Holiday Rate (applies to any Billing Method, leave 0 if you don't want a Holiday Rate to apply to the Billing Method for holidays. Shift Hours worked in a Holiday will appear as additional surcharge line items)
  • PO Number (to appear in the final report output)
  • Invoice Number (to appear in the final report output, for the purpose of eventually making it onto the invoice that goes out to the client)
  • Billing Note (definitely put instructions here if any Custom selections are made)

Note: Billing Item will derive from the Shift for Contracted and Actual Ad-Hoc Shifts (Ad-Hoc being standalone Shifts created apart from Dedicated Work Orders), and from the Flat Rate Location setting for Flat Rate Ad-Hoc Shifts. For Dedicated Work Orders (DWOs), the Billing Item will come from each Shift Schedule (Set), except for Flat Rate DWOs - which come from the Flat Rate Billing Item. Patrol Work Orders (PWOs) derive entirely from the Work Order Billing Item Contract Settings.

Double Note: Locations don't get Contract Start/End Dates because those are reserved for the greater automation capabilities of Work Orders.

Shift Defaults Addition

Added Attribute

  • Billing Item (applies directly to any Shifts created Ad-Hoc)

Form & Details Examples

Billing Destination & Details Form Sections

Headquarters Details Example

Bill to Headquarters Details Example

Shift Defaults Billing Item Example

Groups Changes

Groups prove problematic for billing since they can have multiple Locations all belonging to different Businesses. So we've decided to release the following, which should cover 90+% of all Groups billing cases:

Added Attributes

Bill-To Location

The Edit Form will feature a drop down box that allows you to select from any of the CURRENT saved Location members for a Group. If you need to add a Location to the existing set of Locations, and you want to make that the Bill-To Location, then save the new Location and re-EDIT the Group to select the new Location as the Bill-To Location.

Form & Details Examples

Group Edit Form Bill-To Location Example

Group Details Bill-To Location & Shift Defaults Billing Item Example

Shift Defaults Billing Item Example

Shifts Change

The Billing Item on Shifts is referenced for Ad-Hoc (Shifts created apart from any Dedicated Work Order) Shifts billed with the Contracted or Actuals Billing Methods (Flat Rate Billing Items are referenced on the Locations themselves).

Added Attributes

Form & Details Examples

Shift Add/Edit Form Billing Item Example

Bulk Edit Form Billing Item Example

Shift Detail Billing Item Example

Work Orders

The Step 3: Contract sections in both Dedicated and Patrol have also been updated to reflect new Billing Details.

Added Attributes for Dedicated Work Orders

Click on the Billing Details link above to get the details breakout on each list item below:

  • Billing Cycle
  • Billing Method
  • Bill On
  • Billing Terms
  • Flat Rate Billing Item (applies, as the name suggests, to the Flat Rate Billing Method, the Billing Item in each Shift Schedule (Set) applies for Contracted or Actual Billing Methods)
  • Billable Rate (applies to any Billing Method)
  • Holiday Rate (applies to any Billing Method, leave 0 if you don't want a Holiday Rate to apply to the Billing Method for holidays. Shift Hours worked in a Holiday will appear as additional surcharge line items)
  • PO Number
  • Invoice Number
  • Billing Note (definitely put instructions here if any Custom selections are made)

Added Attributes for Dedicated Work Orders Shift Schedules (Sets)

  • Billing Item

Added Attributes for Patrol Work Orders

Click on the Billing Details link above to get the details breakout on each list item below:

  • Billing Cycle
  • Billing Method
  • Bill On
  • Billing Terms
  • Billing Item
  • Billable Rate (applies to any Billing Method)
  • Holiday Rate (applies to any Billing Method, leave 0 if you don't want a Holiday Rate to apply to the Billing Method for holidays. Tours started in a Holiday will appear as additional surcharge line items)
  • Alarm Rate (applies to Billable Alarms generated for this work order. Will appear as additional surcharge line items)
  • PO Number
  • Invoice Number
  • Billing Note (definitely put instructions here if any Custom selections are made)

Form & Details Examples

Dedicated Work Order Form Examples

Dedicated Work Order Contract Details Example

Patrol Work Order Form Example

Patrol Work Order Contract Details Example

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