The Franchise Core is where each Franchise and Master Admin is managed. You can Add and Archive Franchises and Master Admins here.
Master Admins are more fully described in Roles. Franchises are discreet Markets with all the necessary attributes that define them for local operations. S88 Franchise 1 compared to S88 Franchise 32, for example. Operations within V2 are then scoped, or limited to each individual Franchise for clarity and ease of use. So, by way of explanation, if a User is a Master Admin, or is authorized in any Role capacity for more than one Franchise, they will be able to access all individual Franchise Contexts through the Context Menu (see screenshot directly below).
Note: Franchises are just special types of Businesses with additional attributes, like Time Zone and Market info. They even appear in your Businesses list!
Before diving in, don't forget to check out Basic List Navigation in Tips & Tricks.
Note: Master Admins can access Franchise Core Management by clicking on the Context menu drop down.
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- Name
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- Status
- States
- Timezones
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- Franchise Number
- Franchise Name
- Territory Name (S881 Avondale, AZ - for example)
- Businesses Total
- Locations Total
- Users Total
List Item Totals
- Businesses
- Locations
- Users
Bulk Actions
- Archive
Clicking on the List Item link will take you to the Dashboard.
Here you will see all the primary and related information about your franchises. Franchises are a special kind of Business in the system. They are given special attributes, but they are treated virtually the same as businesses. As such, they can have multiple Locations that belong to them. Think of a Market that has several offices, for example. Given that a Franchise can have several Locations, we needed a way for one of those locations to be highlighted. We decided to name that highlighted Location the Franchise Headquarters. Only one Location per Business can be marked Headquarters. For now, the FIRST Location added to any Business is assumed to be Headquarters. We'll be adding the ability to define that manually later. Coming soon!
Franchises and Businesses can be assigned one (1) Contact. That contact is seen appended to the bottom of the primary details in the top left corner of the Franchise Details screen:
Clicking 'MANAGE' will take you to the Locations List of the Franchise in question.
Required Fields
- Name
- Number
- Abbreviation
- Territory Name
- State
Full Form
Master Admins
Search By
- Name
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- Status
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- Name (full)
- Last Name
- Login (email)
Bulk Actions
- Archive
- Reset Password
- Reset Availability
Master Admins are not intended to take a high profile role in the system, like Patrolling and working Shifts. As such, they lack many of the attributes of other User Roles.
Required Fields
- Name
- Email Address (must be unique)
- Password (must be at least 8 characters)
- Password Confirmation