Call Roster

This section is where you can establish the Call Roster Schedules, which will be reflected in real-time on the Call Roster Dash Widget. You can think of these Schedules as Availabilities that are separate from User Availabilities. This is because individuals placed on the Call Roster may be on-call. So while they're technically not available to dedicate to Shift work, they may be available to take important calls. Those calls, as you will find below, can be tiered to allow for the escalation and categorization of call urgency.

Note: There are additional Call Roster Settings.

Don't forget to check out Basic List Navigation in Tips & Tricks.

Note: Admins can access the Call Roster by clicking on the Manage menu drop down.


Search By

  • Full Name

Filter By

  • Active
    • Pending (Call Schedules that are set to come on-line in the future)
    • Archived
    • All Records

Sort By

  • Name A..Z
  • Name Z..A
  • Newest First
  • Oldest First

Bulk Actions

  • Archive

Clicking on the List Item link will take you to the Call Roster Schedule Details.


Main Info

This reprises much of the Users Main Info with slight changes to account for the Roster Schedule. That modified information includes the optional Title (which may be Supervisor or On Call or some other generic title, for example, but can really be anything up to 255 characters in length) and the Start Date/Time of their Schedule enrollment; along with enrollment expiry info, if present.

Below Main Info are separate sections for Phones and Availabilities. Again, the Availabilities listed here exist entirely apart from User Availabilities.


Required Fields

  • User (Active Admins)
  • Availability (At least one)
  • Phones (At least one)

You can optionally enter a Title and set when the Schedule enrollment starts and when it expires.

Call Order

This gives a priority level, for example, to who should be called 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Last if more than one User appears on the Call Roster Widget at the same time. That establishes escalation precedent, or priority. Typically, the higher the number, the more important it is to call any others prior.

Full Form

Additional Validation

The Availabilities and Phones both have additional validation if you add either without fully filling them out.

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