This section was called the Bulletin Board in legacy Inteliguide. We felt that wasn't descriptive enough of the actual purpose of the feature, so we renamed it to Location Bulletins. That's what they truly are. They are bulletin posts that are made for individual unique Locations with information that should apply uniquely to its respective Location.
In the old system, Shifts were created exclusively for Groups, not just Locations, so to really understand the Bulletin Board system in legacy, and how individual posts would present themselves eventually to the intended audience, you also had to understand Shifts and how they were added to the legacy Schedule. It was all very confusing, so we're aiming to make it less so... and hopefully, as a result, make it more powerful and useful.
To understand the application or utility of this section is to understand all of the above along with how the Shift Dash works in conjunction with Scheduled and actively worked Shifts. As described there, once a User logs in and views the Dash... if they're Scheduled for or actively Clocked In for a Shift, they'll be able to see the associated Locations Bulletins Dash Widget. That widget should feature any Unread or Read active bulletins for the Location(s) that might apply to that current Shift. A Shift created for a Group is still created for Locations, one or more. The Location Bulletins Widget will feature active Posts for any and all Locations contained within that Group.
Note: Posts created in this section appear on the Shift Dash, as mentioned above.
Don't forget to check out Basic List Navigation in Tips & Tricks.
Note: Admins can access Location Bulletins by clicking on the Manage menu drop down.
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- Subject
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- Pending (Call Schedules that are set to come on-line in the future)
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All Locations
- Active Locations List scoped to the current Franchise Context
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- Archive
Clicking on the List Item link will take you to the Location Bulletins Details.
Main Info
Subject of the Location Bulletin comprises the Header. Subheader contains the User who posted the Bulletin and when it was posted. Directly below is the body of the Post. Following that is an expandable/collapsible collection of Users who have viewed the post and when they viewed them; for accountability reasons.
The area directly above the Details will inform you if the Post is Pending, Expired, or Archived:
Required Fields
- Destination (Active Location)
- Subject
- Body
If you don't select a Starts At Date, then it will default to today at midnight (0000). You can optionally select an Expires At Date and promote the Post to Urgent.