This Report consolidates data from all Patrolguide Patrol activities into sums and averages according to the available filter settings.
In addition to viewing the summaries of activity per Patrol Work Order, this is probably one of the more useful of the Reports in that it can export raw Patrol data in CSV form. Like legacy Patrolguide, we give you the option of exporting either the summaries, the detailed report, or both. Read below for more information about each. We're looking to add CSV export functionality to all Reports in the near future. Coming soon!
Note: Admins can access Patrol Summaries by clicking on the Reports menu drop down.
Filter Panel Options
Filter By
Date Range
- From Date/Time
- To Date/Time (If Generate Detailed CSV toggled, then maximum 31 days allowed. If not, then maximum 60 days allowed)
All Patrol Groups scoped for the current Franchise Context
- Active Patrol Groups List scoped for the current Franchise Context
All Locations scoped for the current Franchise Context
- Active Locations List scoped for the current Franchise Context
All Users scoped for the current Franchise Context
- Active Users List (as mentioned below, this Filter is useful for evaluating operational performance on an individual basis) scoped for the current Franchise Context
All Statuses
- Completed
- Cancelled
- Pending
- Scheduled
- Available
- In Progress
Options Toggles
- Generate Detailed CSV - Will appear as a system message attachment in your Inbox
- Generate Summary CSV - Will appear as a system message attachment in your Inbox
Generate Summary CSV
This is virtually the same report seen visually on the screen, just exported to CSV. The following are values that take your Filter settings into consideration:
- Work Order ID - Patrol Work Order ID
- Location
- Patrol Group
- Travel Sum - Sum of all En Route durations for all Tours for that particular Patrol Work Order
- Travel Avg (Average) - Average of all En Route durations for all Tours for the particular Patrol Work Order
- Tour Sum - Sum of all In Progress durations for all Tours for that particular Patrol Work Order
- Tour Avg - Average of all In Progress durations for all Tours for the particular Patrol Work Order
- Reporting Sum - Sum of all first Activity Reporting durations for all Tours for that particular Patrol Work Order
- Reporting Avg - Average of all first Activity Reporting durations for all Tours for the particular Patrol Work Order
- Total Avg - Tour Avg + Reporting Avg
- Expected Avg - Derived from the average of all Tours for the given Filter settings as defined by the number of Tours being worked and their Minutes Each
Generate Detailed CSV
This report will generate a one-to-one report for EVERY Tour that's been returned according to your Filter settings. The Headers are as follows:
- Work Order ID - Patrol Work Order ID
- Work Order Description - Patrol Work Order Description
- Tour ID - ID of individual Tour (can cross reference this with the Patrolguide Schedule if so desired)
- Location
- Patrol Group
- User Name
- Tour Status - Scheduled, En Route, In Progress, Reporting, Completed
- Travel Start
- Travel End
- En Route - Length of time En Route
- Tour Start
- Tour End
- In Progress - Length of time In Progress
- Report Start
- Report Stop
- Reporting - Length of time logging first Activity Report
- Actual Total - Length of time for full Tour (includes first Activity Report, excludes En Route)
- Scheduled Total - Length of time actually Scheduled for the given Tour (7 minutes, for example)
- Difference - Difference between Actual Total and Scheduled Total
- Estimated Mileage - Via line-of-sight calculation from one long/lat to the next
- Alarm - "true" if this Tour was considered an Alarm Response
- Billable - "true" if this Tour was considered Billable (only seen in conjunction with an Alarm Response)
- Overflow - "true" if this Tour was considered an Overflow
Note: When mentioning first Activity Reporting durations... that means that the duration for Reporting Sum and Avg are only derived from the FIRST Report (out of potentially many) that Patrol Users logged for those given Tours. The price of the First Activity Report is included in Tours when they're sold to Clients. Subsequent Tours may be necessary in the event of an Incident, but aren't typically included in the cost of the Tour. For that reason, we're not calculating past the First logged Activity Report in evaluating how effectively Users are staying within the threshold of Minutes Each. The Total Avg value will display red if above the Expected Avg, this indicates that the User(s) working the Patrol that covers that Location aren't conducting their Tour operations (including the First Report) within the expected Minutes Each time-frame. This is a very useful performance metric.
Make your selections and click GENERATE to view results.
Patrol Summaries
The Report results are listed alphabetically according to the Location Name.
Work Order Links
These link back to the applicable Patrol Work Order Details page.
Note: Travel totals are not included in the overall totals. This is because we only compare averages based on the scheduled tour durations. Since travel time is variable under the best of circumstances, including that into the averages made for a less than meaningful comparison.
Full Report