
The profile is very much just like the Users Details and Edit Forms, but will be locked down to just your User account. It's broken up into three main categories:

  • Profile - Details
  • Edit Form
  • Availability Edit Form

Note: All Users can access their profile via the Dashboard Profile Widget or via the Context Menu Profile Info & Context drop down. Admins cannot change Profile settings for individual Users. Admins can only change their own Profile Settings.

Profile Details

This section features all your details, and applies to all authenticated Roles. Every User, including Clients can access this. The content depends on the Role. Client Users, for example, will not see Availabilities, as those don't apply to External Users.

Depending on User Settings, you might see external Links. Those links typically link to outside resources that are apart from our Guide applications. Think payroll employee online services, or promotions that a local market might be making for their Employees or Clients.

Note: You can hover over the Main Info and expand to see more User Attribute detail, depending on your Role (Employee Type, Pay Rate, etc)

Edit Availabilities

All Users but Admin Role cannot change their Availabilities at their leisure. Either their current Availability has to be after an acceptable interval to be "due" or up for changing, that interval can be set when establishing or editing Availabilities, OR they must have their Availabilities Reset by an Admin. Again, Availabilities don't apply to Clients.

Edit Name, Email, Password, Phones and/or Personal Settings

All Users have access to this basic functionality, including Clients. Users can, at any time, change the following:

  • User Name - First and Last in same field
  • Login Email - Will be checked for uniqueness
  • Password - With confirmation
  • Phones - One or many

Shift Notifications: Alerts, Reminders, & Updates (apply to all but Clients)

  • Shift Commitments (when Users either Commit themselves to Shifts, or when management Schedules them directly)
  • Shift Reminders (up to two reminders can be sent out to Users per Scheduled Shift depending on how far out into the future the Scheduled Shift is)
  • Shift Updates (when Shifts are modified before they're due to be worked)

Checking or unchecking specific Shift Notifications will turn on or off those respective notifications.

Note: If Shift Reminders are disabled, it will take a while for the old Scheduled reminders to work their way out of the system. Every time a new Shift is Scheduled in any way for a User, the reminders are Scheduled accordingly. Unchecking the Shift Reminders option will prevent any new ones from being enqueued.

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