Emergency Contacts got a shot in the arm with V2. They turned from just Emergency Contacts to Location Contacts. You can see how they're Managed within Locations by going here. We thought that since Contacts were so bound to Locations, it would be the most contextual and consistent experience to house their management within Location management. We've preserved their Contexts, Client/Internal, and Call Orders (Call 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Last) along the way, so they can be used as Emergency Contacts within Patrol Work Orders or just general Contacts anywhere else.
Clients vs Contacts
Please be careful not to confuse Clients with Contacts when working with Locations.
As described above, a Client is an Authorized User of Inteliguide. They can log in with their email and password and review Activity Reports filed for the Locations they have Location Rights to. They cannot be used as Contacts on Locations or in Patrol Work Orders. They are unique Users according to their login email address. Their login email address and other information (First/Last Name, Phones, Email Addresses) may be added as Contacts on any Locations in the system. This is a separate process that will require their info to be input as a Contact. See: Contacts vs Contact Methods
Contacts are non-authorized points of contact for Locations and, by association, Patrol Work Orders. They cannot log into the Inteliguide or Patrolguide system. They can be duplicated across many Locations.
That you can add a Client into the Inteliguide system, and add a Contact with (more limited) but nearly identical information can be confusing. This would happen in the case of a Client that needs to log in and read Activity Reports but that should also serve as an Emergency Contact.
The individual in question would need to be added as both a Client AND a Contact. This can be done, but they are both separate entities in the Inteliguide V2 system. This is necessary due to the fact that a Client will not appear as a Contact on a Location by simply Adding them as a Client with Location rights for that Location. The Location Rights really only pertain to their ability to read Activity Reports written for a given Location. They must also be added as a Contact if they're to be exposed to Patrol Work Orders as possible Emergency Contacts for selection.
Note: Be careful to avoid duplicating Contacts for Locations. If you want to add an existing Contact from one Location to another Location, go to the Locations List and select the Location(s) you want to add the Contact to… select the Assign Contact Bulk Action and apply it to your selected Location(s).
Contacts can be Added, Edited, or Deleted
We don't currently offer the ability to archive Contacts. We're looking forward to creating a List of Contacts, like every other List in the system, and will introduce the ability to Archive Contacts then. Coming soon!
Adding Contacts to Patrol Work Orders
First start by navigating to the Location that the Patrol Work Order was created for. Click CONTACT + and proceed to fill in your new Contact's values. Once created, open up the Patrol Work Order for Editing and expand Step 5: Emergency Contacts if necessary, click CONTACT + to select the Contact that you just created. You can use the search box on the drop down to quickly find your Contact. Simply save the Patrol Work Order and the new Contact will appear for any Tours Scheduled into the future.
If Users are Patrolling during the time the change is made, the newly added Contact may not appear until the next set of Tours are due to be worked (the next Day or Night).
Locations can possess many Contacts, but there are times when you may want to only display certain Contacts per Patrol Work Order; even for multiple Work Orders created for the same Location (think special cases that require different points of contact). When a Location is selected in Step 1: Basic Information when Adding/Editing a Patrol Work Order, all the Location's Contacts will automatically populate in Step 5: Emergency Contacts. We advise that you double check all the contacts there and remove any that don't pertain to that particular Patrol Work Order.
By curating the Emergency Contacts assigned to Patrol Work Orders, you can hide any that might exist for the Location... but that shouldn't appear (for whatever reason) to Patrolling Users in Patrolguide.
Only Admins can see Locations belonging strictly to a Location. We are also planning on expanding Contacts to Shifts in the future, and we envision that working similarly to Patrol Work Orders. Coming soon!
Note: Please be sure to check out Contacts vs Contact Methods for more information on Contacts.