How do I print my schedule?

There are two ways you can print the Inteliguide Schedule:

Print Agenda List

Agenda and Print Bulk Actions.

  1. Load all Shifts on the Agenda that you'd like to select. You can either select them individually one-at-a-time by clicking on the Shift List Item anywhere there's not already a link or icon, OR you can hit Page Down to quickly load them 50 Shifts at a time.
  2. Use the quick 'up arrow' icon to get back to the top of the List after you've loaded/selected all the Shifts you need to print.
  3. Click SELECT ALL to select all the Shifts you just loaded onto the page if you're not already individually selecting them by clicking on them one-by-one.
  4. Click on the Bulk Action queue on the left, expand it if necessary from the 'filing cabinet' icon to the left of the Shifts List that appears when you've made your selections, and click the Print Bulk Action.

This process will allow for printing the Schedule in List form.

Note: There is a limit of 1000 Shifts that you can Print at any one time.

Print Schedule

  1. Navigate to your Schedule by clicking on the SCHEDULE main navigation tab.
  2. From the Schedule look at the top left corner of the calendar and click the 'printer' icon to the right of the 'key' icon.

Once you click on the 'printer' icon, you will get a preview of the schedule. From that preview, your print dialog will pop up and you can choose a printer and proceed with printing.


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