How to Add a Patrol Work Order

The Work Orders section of Inteliguide, (under the MANAGE tab) is where Patrol Work Orders are added.


You first need to add at least a Business, a Location, and a Patrol Group before you can add a Patrol Work Order.

Critically Important Note: Please make sure that you add whatever Location you're trying to set for Patrol service to at least one Active Patrol Group. That will ensure that your Location will appear in Step 1 while filling out your Work Order.


  1. Select the Manage tab
  2. then, under Manage, select Work Orders
  3. then, under Work Orders, left-click on Patrol

  4. Left-click on the '+' symbol (next to Patrol) to add a new entry (brings you to Add Patrol Work Order Form).

  5. Next enter at least the required information for the new Patrol Work Order...

    • Step 1: Basic Information
      • Select a Location (required)
      • Optionally enter a Note
      • Accept or modify the auto-generated Description based on your Location selection (required)
    • Step 2: Create Tour Schedules
      • Optionally add your Tour Schedules (Sets). These aren't needed if all you want to do is use the Location as an Alarm Response in Patrolguide. Otherwise:
        • Optionally define a Set Name (Weekdays or Weekends, for example)
        • Select the Patrol service Days of the week (one or many)
        • Set your Tours quantity (defaults to 1)
        • Give the amount of Minutes each Tour should last (defaults to 10)
        • Enter the Start/End Time in which the Tours should be completed (defaults are 0000 - 0000)
        • Optionally enter any Client/Internal Special Instructions (will show up 'In Progress' in Patrolguide)
    • Step 3: Contract
      • Bill Type
        • Monthly Flat-Rate
        • Per Tour
      • Bill Rate
      • Holiday Rate
      • Alarm Rate
      • Start/End Dates (Start Date required)
    • Step 4: Premises Pictures (optional)
      • Optionally expand panel, click PIC +, Click UPLOAD +, and upload your picture
      • After pictures upload you can define an optional Title & Caption for them
      • Add one or many, and click the gray 'X' to remove those you don't want
    • Step 5: Emergency Contacts (optional)
      • If there are Active Contacts associated with the Location you selected in Step 1, then this panel will already be expanded and will feature them
      • Add Contacts by clicking CONTACT + and selecting from any of your existing Contacts
      • Add one or many, and click the 'no-smoking' icon to remove those you don't want

  6. Then left-click the SAVE button

Check out the following resources if you haven't already: Patrol Work Orders, Patrolguide Patrol Process, and Patrol Tours & Alarm Dispatches - Responses

If you're looking for how to change a Work Order from one Patrol Group to the next, click here

If you're trying to figure out how to switch to a different market in Patrolguide, click here

...and don't forget to visit Basic List Navigation in Tips & Tricks.

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