The Work Orders section of Inteliguide, (under the MANAGE tab) is where Dedicated Work Orders are added.
You first need to add at least a Business and a Location before you can add a Dedicated Work Order.
- Select the Manage tab
- then, under Manage, select Work Orders
- then, under Work Orders, left-click on Dedicated
- Left-click on the '+' symbol (next to Patrol) to add a new entry (brings you to Add Dedicated Work Order Form).
- Next enter at least the required information for the new Dedicated Work Order...
- Step 1: Basic Information
- Select a Location (required)
- Optionally enter a Note
- Accept or modify the auto-generated Description based on your Location selection (required)
- Optionally select any Codes/Dispos/Instructions that will apply to all generated Shifts
- Step 2: Create Shift Schedules
- Optionally define a Set Name (Weekdays or Weekends, for example)
- Select the Dedicated service Days of the week (one or many)
- Set your Shifts quantity (defaults to 1)
- Enter the Start/End Shift Times (defaults are 0000 - 0000)
- Optionally define a Lunch
- Optionally check the Non-Billable Lunch, Non-Billable, and/or No-Wait checkboxes
- Step 3: Contract
- Bill Type
- Monthly Flat-Rate
- Per Shift
- Bill Rate
- Holiday Rate
- Start/End Dates (Start Date required)
- Bill Type
- Step 4: Post Orders (optional)
- Select from uploaded Documents list. Be mindful of permissions on documents
- If you assign a Document that only Admins can read to a Work Order that Civilians will be working, that could cause a lot of confusion
- Step 5: Premises Pictures (optional)
- Upload relevant pictures for any Shifts generated for this Work Order
- Optionally define a Title and Caption
- Step 6: Emergency Contacts (optional)
- If there are Active Contacts associated with the Location you selected in Step 1, then this panel will already be expanded and will feature them
- Add Contacts by clicking CONTACT + and selecting from any of your existing Contacts
- Add one or many, and click the 'no-smoking' icon to remove those you don't want
- Step 1: Basic Information
- Then left-click the SAVE button
Check out the following resources if you haven't already: Shifts, Schedule, and Agenda
...and don't forget to visit Basic List Navigation in Tips & Tricks.