Customizable Site Managers

Site Managers is another widely requested feature that will help owners and administrators delegate important management tasks without giving away too much control of their market and Inteliguide Accounts.

What are the benefits?

Admins can now give their managerial staff limited but customizable domain over schedule management tasks. Define a pool of Locations that a Site Manager can manage, and increase their abilities over time as they prove themselves reliable, effective, and trustworthy.

What to be aware of

  • Site Managers have fairly broad capabilities depending on the Abilities granted them
  • Core to what a Site Manager can accomplish is full Adding/Editing of Shifts for a defined set of Locations
  • Abilities expand to allow closer management responsibilities for those that can handle it
  • Currently Add/Edit/View are not tied to any specific timeline; the last two Payroll cycles, for example. If granted a pool of Locations, Site Managers can Add and Edit against them for any day/week/month
  • Adding/Editing of Shifts go hand in hand
  • If a Site Manager doesn't have Edit Abilities for Bill/Pay Rates, then the Add/Edit Shifts Form and Bulk Edit Forms will be modified accordingly to either disable those fields or hide them entirely. Site Managers without View/Edit Abilities for Bill/Pay Rates can expect Rates to be applied while Adding/Editing Shifts, similar to how they are on the Quick Add Form or when a User Commits to a Shift. The rates are determined according to these rules.

Site Managers

The Site Managers Role can be described in three parts:

  • Base Role
  • Location Pool
  • Abilities


Base Role

We modeled the most basic Site Manager off of the Restricted Auditor Role. They have very similar access to discrete sections of the application, and permissions and abilities. But, as mentioned above, a very big exception is that Site Managers can Add and Edit Shifts for their given Location Pool.


Location Pool

While Adding a Site Manager, or converting an existing User to the Site Manager Role, you can select how many Locations they can manage. This is similar to defining Location Rights for Client Users

  • Locations (at least 1 required)



  • View Pay/Bill Rates
  • Edit Pay/Bill Rates (auto-checks View Pay/Bill Rates)
  • Adjust Punches
  • View Accounts
  • View Payroll (auto-checks View Pay/Bill Rates)
  • Bulk Edit

The View/Edit Pay/Bill Rates checkboxes will determine if those Rates are seen on Shift popups, the Agenda List, Shift and Bulk Edit Forms, Shift Detail pages, and Account Shift Defaults. View Accounts only allows Site Managers to view NOT Edit Businesses, Groups, and Users. Site Managers can additionally Edit the Locations in their Location Pool from those respective Location Detail pages if granted the View Accounts Ability. The rest of the Abilities are pretty straightforward.

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