The Accounts section of Inteliguide, (under the MANAGE tab) is where Groups are added, as well as, Businesses, Locations, and Users.
Groups are a collection of Locations, so you'll want to add Businesses and Locations before you can form meaningful Groups. One of the prime examples of a meaningful Group is one used to define a Patrol Group for use in organizing Patrol Locations.
- Select the Manage tab
- then, under Manage, select Accounts
- then, under Accounts, left-click on Groups
- Left-click on the '+' symbol (next to Groups) to add a new entry (brings you to Add Group Form).
- You can then select the Group Type. Selecting 'Patrol' exposes that Group to Patrol Work Orders and Patrolguide.
- Next enter at least the required information for the Group...
- Enter the Name of the Group
- Optionally enter a Description
- Make sure you set the correct Group Type, depending on if this Group will be used with Patrolguide or not
- Select one or many Locations
- Then left-click the SAVE button
Check out your optional Shift Defaults... and don't forget to visit Basic List Navigation in Tips & Tricks.