The Inteliguide app for Android and iOS (Apple) handhelds and tablets is a companion mobile application to the Inteliguide web service. It's designed for officers of security companies utilizing Inteliguide accounts to conduct shift work. Track and manage your upcoming Shifts. Never miss clocking in or out with the convenience of your mobile device. Keep aware of relevant News, Location Bulletins, and Messages. Log Activity, Incident, Flagged, & Maintenance Reports for Dedicated Shifts, and attach Voice Memos, Videos, & Images to enrich your reporting and prove the value of your security services. This application is designed and made available to officers working dedicated Shifts, and is not available yet to clients looking for a mobile reporting experience.
Users Authorized for multiple markets will see whatever Available Shifts associated with the last market they logged into on the web app, with the option to change their "selected market" in account settings. Officers will, however, see all Scheduled Shifts across all markets they're authorized for.
The mobile app helps to "crowd source" Time & Attendance, putting the ability squarely in the hands of officers that can utilize the devices they already own and use every day.
Using Location Services and GPS, we can accurately log User proximity to a Shift Location, both in Time and Distance. If a User tries to use their smart phone to Clock In, Lunch Out, Lunch In, or Clock Out too far from a Shift, or outside the Start and End range for the Shift, their Time Punch attempt will be rejected. When they ARE within acceptable proximity to the Shift requirements, however, that information is logged.
Reports are tagged with location data, which is presented on a map located on individual Client Report Detail pages. Reports are not restricted like Time Punches when it comes to their proximity to a Location or the Start and End times of a Shift. They can be logged from anywhere, and will reflect the location from which they are logged
With the Inteliguide mobile app, we can now get a handle on when and where an officer Time Punches and when and where they file Dedicated Shift Activity Reports.
Example images below were taken using an iOS device.
Following is an "app map" of the mobile Inteliguide:
- Login
- Home (News)
- Shifts
- Scheduled List
- Shift Detail
- Reports List
- Add/Update Report
- Select Category
- Enter Text Values
- Choose Locations
- Choose Codes
- Choose Dispos (Dispositions)
- Attach Media
- Review/Upload
- Update Report
- Shift Time Punches
- Clock In
- Lunch Out (Out TO Lunch, if Shift allows a lunch)
- Lunch In (In FROM Lunch, if Shift allows a lunch)
- Clock Out
- Available List
- Messages Center
- Account
The Login screen will ask you first for the company subdomain that your Inteliguide account belongs to. As mentioned within the app itself, the subdomain is what you'd type into your browser address to access the Inteliguide web app.
Examples of subdomains (in bold)
Clicking on the "WHAT'S THIS?" link will bring you to an explanation of the subdomain and what to look for on the web side of things that can help you find your subdomain if you're not sure what it is:
Enter the email associated with your Inteliguide User Account along with its associated password.
Forgot Password
Enter your email address and await reset instructions sent via email.
Home (News) List
You'll see all the typical posts your Role is allowed to see for all markets your User Account is Authorized for via the Inteliguide web app Dashboard. The list has been formatted for mobile. Tap a List Item to see its Details.
News Post Detail
The Shifts section of the Inteliguide app is split into the following lists:
Scheduled Shifts
This list represents your currently scheduled Shift and up to 30 days of Scheduled Shifts into the future. Once a Shift has been fully Completed, it will disappear from the list upon starting the app again or refreshing the Scheduled List.
Your Shifts List will feature all current and upcoming Shifts from any markets you're actively Authorized for.
Tap on a Shift in the List to access its Shift Detail view.
Shift Detail
This view will give you the basic information that you'll need to determine you're at the right Location, on time, and able to Clock In and start Reporting. To that end, you have two actions:
Note: All Dates/Times translate according to your device's Date/Time Settings. All Date/Time values brought through our API for any data used by the app is in UTC. This allows the device to display Date/Time values according to it's local Time Zone. So if you're seeing something that looks off compared to what you expected, please make sure that your device's Time Zone is set to that of the market/Shift you're working.
View Reports List
Manage Activity, Flagged, Maintenance, & Incident Reports for each respective Shift through this list.
Reports follow Shifts:
To get to the list of Reports for any individual Shift, you must start from the Scheduled Shifts List. Find the Shift in question, tap on it in the list, and then click on the Reports button.
Tap the Add Report button to compose a new Report.
Tap an existing Report in the Reports List to load it for viewing and modification.
Add/Update Report
This form allows you to compose your Report. Validation enforces a minimum of the following:
- Report Summary text entered
- Detailed Note text entered
- At least ONE Code selected
- At least ONE Disposition selected
Exceptions in addition to the minimum requirements:
- Reports that can apply to more than one Location require at least ONE Location selected to review and upload your Report.
- Flagged Reports require explanation text for why you're setting the Report Category to Flagged.
Note: If you've enabled location services and shared your location with the Inteliguide app, filed Reports and attached media will be tagged with the most current location information your device is able to serve up to the app. This information is requested of your device upon uploading an attachment, and upon reviewing and uploading your Report; so it should be accurate assuming your device and GPS or other location data (WiFi or IP location information) is working correctly and is accurately cataloged. WiFi and IP locations tend to be more "coarse" (inaccurate) than the fine location fixes that your device's GPS can yield.
Select Category (defaults to Activity)
Tapping the 'Attach Media' link will open a dialog that will allow you to access your device's Media Library and/or record a Voice Memo.
All files are limited to 100 megabytes (MBs) and will be rejected if exceeding that size. Please be advised that on iOS (Apple) devices, if your voice memo exceeds 100MBs... your upload will be rejected and you WILL lose your work. Android will stop the voice recording when the associated file exceeds 100MBs.
Note: The Media Library will vary depending on device and operating system (OS). Android (even between devices and versions of the Android operating system) varies substantially. Picture below is iOS 8 on an iPhone 6.
Record Voice Memo (iOS only Warning)
As mentioned above, if you run too long and exceed 100 megabytes in file size while recording a voice memo on iOS (Apple iPhone or iPad), the upload WILL be rejected and you will lose your entire memo. You should be able to record up to 3 hours on an iPhone 6, but after that and you will be getting very close to the upload size limit.
Tapping on a Report in the Reports List will open that Report for editing.
Reports are cached every 3 seconds while Adding/Updating.
Composing a Report will cache all text values and selections (Locations, Codes, Dispos, and Attachments) using local device storage. This means that if you navigate away from the Add/Update Report form after having made selections or inputting text, or if the app or your device crashes before you upload the report, you should be able to navigate back and restore most of your work. The caching mechanism caches all values every 3 seconds, so there is a slight chance that you could lose the most recent work that you completed.
Cached reports are saved differently depending on if they're new Reports, or Reports you're Updating.
So if you've completed a lot of reporting work, and you navigate away or the app or device crashes (or loses power), going back to Add a new Report will allow you restore your previous work.
Likewise, loading the Update Report form will restore the last saved state of that Report. First it will load what information it can get from the server, then it will ask you if you'd like to load the last saved cache Report state.
In either case, if you hit Restore, it will restore whatever is saved in local storage, rewriting all values and selections. If you hit Cancel, this will NOT delete the cache unless you also delete all selections (including attachments) and erase all text entries. Only then will the cache be deleted for any given report (new or existing). The only other event that will delete a cached report is Saving & Uploading a Report to the server.
Tap the file name of an uploaded file to preview it. Most files can be previewed, but some depend on other applications being installed in order to process and display them. This is especially true on Android.
Note: Files can also be previewed while Adding a Report, before Reviewing, Saving & Uploading.
Time Punches
Clicking on the Clock/Lunch In/Out button (it changes depending on what your next Time Punch is) on the Shift Detail screen is where you can make the following Time Punches:
There are exactly two time punches for Shifts created without a Lunch:
- Clock In
- Clock Out
There are exactly four time punches for Shifts created with a Lunch:
- Clock In
- Lunch Out (Out TO Lunch, if Shift allows a lunch)
- Lunch In (In FROM Lunch, if Shift allows a lunch)
- Clock Out
After the exact amount of Time Punches are made for each type of Shift, your Shift will be switched to Completed Status. If you then refresh your Scheduled Shifts List or close your app, you will no longer be able to write Reports for it from the Inteliguide app.
Note: If you find that you need to file a report AFTER you've Completed your Shift, you can go to the Inteliguide web app (https://<subdomain> - where <subdomain> is your company subdomain), click on the SCHEDULE Main Navigation Tab. Then find your recent Shift, click on it, click 'more info,' and then click on REPORT + on the following Shift Detail Page. More Shift duties can be found in the Officer Inteliguide Manual.
Depending on the settings defined for the market that originated each Scheduled Shift, you'll see information on how far in the future (or past) your Shift is set to Start, as well as how far in the future (or past) you're allowed to Clock In. After you Clock In, you'll see corresponding information on how far in the future you're allowed to Clock Out. The message will then tell you to contact your supervisor if you've exceeded your Clock Out limit. Additionally, Time Punches may be Geofenced such that if your device reports that you're either 1, 2, or 3 (depending on the Settings) miles from any of your Shift Locations that you're Scheduled to work.
Every minute you're on the Time Punch screen of the Inteliguide app, your device location (if you're sharing it with the app) and Clock In/Out message is refreshed. This is to communicate exactly when you're able to Clock In/Out, and exactly how far your device is reporting your proximity to any of your Shift Locations.
Note: We used to display the title bar of the device in iOS, but we stopped doing this because, depending on the device and network, there was as from a few seconds to as much as up to several minutes of drift between our API time and the time being reported to officers on their devices. This was a cause for confusion, so we tightened up the language of the Time Punch screen to automatically refresh while on the screen in order to keep officers informed of when they can make their next Time Punch.
In cases where Geofencing Settings defines a proximity limit to how far you can be from any of your Shift Locations AND your device is reporting that you're too far away in all cases, you WILL receive a 'too far away' error. If this error occurs and you're unable to make a Time Punch, a link will be displayed that leads to a troubleshooting article with some more information.
Available Shifts
Here you can view upcoming Shifts that are Available for Commitment.
Note: The Available Shifts List reflects your current market and Role restrictions. If your account is Authorized for more than one market, you can go to your Inteliguide app Settings and switch markets to view Available Shifts for each respective market.
Commit to Available Shift
Tap on any upcoming Available Shift in the Available Shifts List to access its corresponding Shift Detail screen. From there, click on the COMMIT button and confirm your commitment.
More detail about Shift Commitments via the web app.
Messages Center
The Messages section of the Inteliguide app is split into the following lists:
Message Detail
Note: Attachments are not available via mobile messages. Please log into the web app and access any message attachments there.
Message Reply
The Bulletins that appear here are determined by your current and upcoming Shifts from any markets you're Authorized for.
We choose only to show Location Bulletins for current and upcoming Shifts because those are the most timely and relevant. It would be distracting to have to wade through all Active Location Bulletins for all Locations to finally arrive at an important nugget of information for the Location or Locations that really matter... for your current and upcoming Shifts.
Additionally, why display Bulletins for Locations that you might never have been trained for and might never work?
Likewise, Location Bulletins for Locations you've worked for in the past, or that you're scheduled for into the far future (greater than 30 days into the future) will come around again once they're relevant to your work requirements according to your Scheduling.
Bulletin Detail
Here you can access information about your Account as it pertains to your current market. If you change your market through mobile Settings, you'll see the new market name and your Role in that market reflected in the main information panel.
Tap the Settings button to access Settings.
Tap the Log Out button to log out.
This section is also useful for verifying your app version, and accessing our support features.
Toggle the Notifications setting to turn off/on Push Notices; which include:
- New Shift Commitment Notifications
- New Message Notifications
- New Bulletin Notifications
Note: If you receive more than one Push Notice without responding to them, later tapping on one of the notices in your system tray will navigate to the latest Push Notice (be it to its respective Shift, Message, or Location Bulletin).
You can switch your Selected Market by clicking the Switch button (not pictured) and selecting your market on the spinner/selector (pictured on iOS).
Switching markets will give you access to each market's respective Available Shifts List. For the time being, all other Lists share data aggregated between all your market Authorizations.